I have put the ‘map editor’ project on halt, because it became difficult to work on two projects simultaneously. Currently, the game is developed by manipulating the *.xml format by hand. In the future I hope to revisit the map editor project. Python and Tkinter turned out to be not suited at all for my …
Tag Archives: XML
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #25
In the image above you can see the current state of the map interface in the Letter for Mimi 2 editor. The tiles are double their actual size (the actual size being 16×16 pixels). What is cool here is that all tiles are loaded from a single tilesheet. The map you see at the moment …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #22
After thinking about what I wrote in the previous update, I have decided to redo the Letter for Mimi 2 editor. Instead of just diving in, I am working on creating all the *.xml manipulating functionality first. Meanwhile I have also started on making mock-ups of how I want the menu’s to look like, which …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #21
In the screenshot above you can see the current state of the editor. For the GUI I used the tkinter package for Python, but it is a bit unintuitive to use which makes progress slow. I am in doubt if I should continue with this version or just start over and maybe use a different …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #18
In the screenshot above you can see the current progress for the Letter for Mimi 2 editor. The editor is able to create and export *.xml files, which can be used in the game engine. I am planning to be able to have enough functionality in the editor so I can create content fast en …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #13
Today I fixed the checkItem event, it is now able to check if multiple items (even duplicates) are present in the inventory. The next line in the dialogue will be the line with id 6 if there are two Town Maps in the inventory and one Test item. If this condition is not met, the …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #11
Dialogue now is able to contain events such as demonstrated in the video above: flash, shake and changing of tiles. The events can be easily extended, however they are hard coded into the game-engine. Multiple events can be added to a single dialogue line, as you can see in the XML representation of the conversation:
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #10
In the image above you can see coloured text in the dialogue, as many colours as you want can be implemented but for now there are only five (including white). Different colours can be used to indicate certain types of objects, such as items, people, events and places. When entering the text in the *.xml …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #8
In the video above you can see the latest progress of Letter for Mimi 2. I’ve added two new features: doors and a simple dialogue system. When you enter a door, a new ‘world’ loads, as I have explained in a previous post. The video also shows features of the debug system, when it is …
Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #2
A major design-flaw in my previous games was that the content was not separated from the game-engine. Even in my Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial you can see that apart from the map, all content is hard-coded. My plan for this new game is to put all content into an XML file that is embedded in …