Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial – Part 8: Picking up items

Index Previous part: The Inventory Previous part of the tutorial we have created an inventory system. Now, we will create an item in the world for the player to interact with and pickup. For the pencil we want to have a world-representation in the form of a character. The way Flixel handles sprite-sheets allows us …

Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial – Part 7: The Inventory

Index Previous part: Creating layers with FlxGroup In the previous part we have used the FlxGroup class to group objects and manipulate them. In this part we will make an on-screen inventory. We want to display items on-screen like we do with the dialog. Let’s start by creating an item class, we want it to …

Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial – Part 6: Creating layers with FlxGroup

Index Previous part: Interactions In the previous part we have expanded both our Character and our PlayState class to deal with character interactions. We are now able to have basic dialogue, without any events attached to it. In this part we will group the on-screen items into layers, so it will be easier to manipulate …

Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial – Part 5: Interactions

Index Previous part: The World In the previous part we have made a world for our main character to live in and walk around. However, he is a bit sad and lonely and we want to give him a pal to talk to. The sad truth is however, that he cannot talk at all, since …

Flixel Adventure Game Tutorial – Index

Games that I enjoy making are adventure games, such as Kees’ Adventure: The Lost Chapter or Crossroads:2D. They remind me of my childhood when I used to play a lot of games like these, such as Pokémon and Zelda. What I liked about these games was that you get the feeling you can go everywhere …