Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #12

In the video above you can see the latest feature: item trading, branching dialogue and the Town Map. The colours in the dialogue are how I imagined them to be, with blue indicating items here, pink the NPCs name and green the players name. The Town Map will still need some work done, the location …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #9

Non-playable-characters now look at the player when you are talking to them, in the video above you can see this as well as a general ‘npc’ that wanders around, which you can talk to. The speed-up moment quickly shows how far the npc can wander (this one is set with a radius of 2). In …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #8

In the video above you can see the latest progress of Letter for Mimi 2. I’ve added two new features: doors and a simple dialogue system. When you enter a door, a new ‘world’ loads, as I have explained in a previous post. The video also shows features of the debug system, when it is …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #7

I have extended the functionality of the in-game windows, you can now close it by pressing the ‘X’ and drag it around by pressing control and clicking. Try it out yourself in the Flash below. I will write a short tutorial on how to make a window like this, so stay tuned!   You will …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #6

In the screenshot above you can see the (map) editor I have been working on for Letter for Mimi 2. On the left you can see the tiles, and on the right side the world. By clicking on a tile you can select it as your ‘brush’ and paint the tiles in the map (the …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #5

The picture above is a mock-up I made for the turn-based battle system I had in mind for Letter for Mimi 2. On the left side will be the players sprite, and the enemy on the right. At the bottom there will be a menu/dialogue system that allows the player to select attacks and it …

Letter for Mimi 2 – wip #4

In the video above you can see two new features I have implemented: a fullscreen mode and dynamic sub menus. The width of the menus now adjust to the width of the text of the options. When you click a menu item it will execute a callback function, this can either be another menu to …

SEO website update

I worked on a little project today to optimise the website for search engines, or search engine optimisation. One of the things I have done is added meta tags to all the pages, which now contain keywords like ‘Flixel’, ‘Flash’, ‘games’ and ‘tutorials’. As you might have noticed, I have also added a favicon which …